WalidShoebat.com – Leading UK Journalist Melanie Phillips Spells it Out “Islam In Europe”

WalidShoebat.com – Leading UK Journalist Melanie Phillips Spells it Out “Islam In Europe”.

For the most part, Melanie has it spot on.

She talks of moderate Muslims having the ground cut out from under their feet, but with all due respect to Melanie for her fearless truth-telling she doesn’t see that where Islam is concerned, so called moderate Muslims are irrelevant.

Muslim man verbally assults grandma on the train – in Copenhagen

F-bomb warning. He’s a foul-mouthed piece of work. Its a classical example of the way they act. I’ve run into it myself. Several years back we had a small cell of them in the apartment below me. Coming home from work one day I happened to see them entering their apartment ( wearing the full Islam regalia by the way ) and said hello in all innocence ( hadn’t yet been educated on Islam – it was before 9/11 ) and received such a cold look of pure hatred it rocked me right back on my heels. It was almost physical in intensity. They really do hate we kafirs.

Back to the video, kudos to the passengers for standing up to him.

Coming to you somewhere close to you soon, unless governments get a clue and see that democracy and sharia are totally incompatible.

Islam is a deadly cancer in any country it gains a foothold. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – this religion in particular is purely satanic. I’ve seen videos on Islamic websites that you will never want to see. One in particular stays with me – a video of a 14 year old boy chanting to Allah while he saws off the head of some poor individual like he was butchering a cow.

Any religion that so warps the soul of the young and innocent should not be allowed to gain a foothold in any sane country.    But I forgot – we are no longer sane in the west.   Political correctness is a form of madness to my mind and it has most certainly taken hold in our societies in a big way.   When truth becomes hate speech then we can longer claim we are sane, when evil becomes good and good becomes evil we can no longer claim to be sane.   Whether we want to as a society admit it or not, any nation which turns it’s back on God and the Bible will end up this way.   When people throw God out of their lives then anything becomes permissible and anything becomes believable, which leads to train wrecks of lives and nations.

Speech of Geert Wilders at the resumption of his trial in Amsterdam today

Courtesy of Winds of Jihad.

The lights are going out all over Europe. All over the continent where our culture flourished and where man created freedom, prosperity and civilization. Everywhere the foundation of the West is under attack.

All over Europe the elites are acting as the protectors of an ideology that has been bent on destroying us since fourteenth centuries. An ideology that has sprung from the desert and that can produce only deserts because it does not give people freedom. The Islamic Mozart, the Islamic Gerard Reve [a Dutch author], the Islamic Bill Gates; they do not exist because without freedom there is no creativity. The ideology of Islam is especially noted for killing and oppression and can only produce societies that are backward and impoverished. Surprisingly, the elites do not want to hear any criticism of this ideology.

My trial is not an isolated incident. Only fools believe it is. All over Europe multicultural elites are waging total war against their populations. Their goal is to continue the strategy of mass-immigration, which will ultimately result in an islamic Europe – a Europe without freedom: Eurabia.

The lights are going out all over Europe. Anyone who thinks or speaks individually is at risk. Freedom loving citizens who criticize islam, or even merely suggest that there is a relationship between islam and crime or honour killing, must suffer and are threatened or criminalized. Those who speak the truth are in danger.

The lights are going out all over Europe. Everywhere the Orwellian thought police are at work, on the lookout for thought crimes everywhere, casting the populace back within the confines where it is allowed to think.

This trial is not about me. It is about something much greater. Freedom of speech is not the property of those who happen to belong to the elites of a country. It is an inalienable right, the birthright of our people. For centuries battles have been fought for it, and now it is being sacrificed to please a totalitarian ideology.

Future generations will look back at this trial and wonder who was right. Who defended freedom and who wanted to get rid of it.

The lights are going out all over Europe. Our freedom is being restricted everywhere, so I repeat what I said here last year:

It is not only the privilege, but also the duty of free people – and hence also my duty as a member of the Dutch Parliament – to speak out against any ideology that threatens freedom. Hence it is a right and a duty to speak the truth about the evil ideology that is called islam. I hope that freedom of speech will emerge triumphant from this trial. I hope not only that I shall be acquitted, but especially that freedom of speech will continue to exist in the Netherlands and in Europe.

You’ve seen me say it before here, and I’ll say it again.   Islam is truly evil in every sense of the word.  It has NO redeeming features.   As taught by the Koran, it is is anti-freedom, anti-life, anti-everything good.   It is the polar opposite to the principals of Judeo-Christianity our western societies were originally based upon, which is why there cannot be a meeting of minds between Islam and the west.  It is also why so many in the West find it so hard to grasp the depth of hatred Islam has for Jews, Christianity and the West in general.   Out of those principals of Judeo Christianity came freedom of speech, freedom of association, and most everything that makes life worth living.

Mr Wilders is a brave man and I wish him all the best.   I hope reason will prevail on his behalf in this kangaroo court, but I’m not holding my breath.   There is not much in the way of critical thinking or common-sense going on in systems that are under the sway of political correctness and multiculturalism.

I think Britain is pretty well as they say ‘Stick a fork in them – they’re done.There’s still people there fighting the good fight, but on the whole the country has sunk into dhimmitude.   The way people here in Australia are thinking as far as the powers that be are concerned, we’re not going to be far behind if we don’t wake up.   The US is also well on the way to dhimmitude as well.   What takes my breath away is the speed with which we’ve sunken to this level.   From mainly the 1960’s till now is when it’s the most obvious, but the birth of Israel as a nation is what can be pointed to as the true trigger point, and it was a trigger point pointed to prophetically by Jesus Himself.

In the end, all is happening just a prophesied in the Bible, but still we must warn where people will listen.

Book I’m reading: “The Snitch, Houdini and Me”

I’m presently reading a book by Johnny Virgil, “The Snitch, Houdini and Me – Humorous Tales of Death-defying Childhood Misadventure”

Amazon link to Kindle version.

A very, very funny book.   I’ve come close to actually falling off my chair laughing a couple of times so far – and I’m only a comparatively few pages in as yet.   Johnny has a very funny style of writing.

Highly recommended.

Jihad alive and well in Australia

Link to the video at the Walid Shoebat Foundation page.

Islam’s plans are as well advanced here in Australia as anywhere else.

As I said in my previous post, if we don’t get a clue on this, we’re in big trouble.   Multiculturalism and political correctness were deliberately invented to destroy the west, and it works all too well against a populace which wilfully refuses to think these matters through, looking only for the good life and security at the expense of freedom.   Under multiculturalism and political correctness, Islam is prospering in the west.

Islamophobic Yodeling

Islamophobic Yodeling

Austrian “hate speech” prosecutors are very busy these days. In addition to going after Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff for “prejudicial incitement,” i.e., criticizing Islam and Sharia laws at a seminar, the Austrians found the time to crack down on yet another “Islamophobic” miscreant, a 63 year old Austrian retiree.

“Helmut G. was busy on Friday afternoon, mowing his grass. ‘And because I was just in such a good mood, I yodeled along with it and sang a few songs,’ says the retiree, speaking to the Styrian Crown. That was not all right with his neighbors — believing Muslims. They had gathered in their house at prayer hour, which was also broadcast into their yard by loudspeaker… Consequently, several of them felt disturbed in their religious exercises by the grass-mowing 63-year old — and promptly reported him to the police. ‘In the statement it said that my yodeling sounded like the call of the muezzin,’ Helmut G. shook his head, bewildered. ‘It was definitely not my intention to imitate him,’ the Graz native assures us. The court did not believe him and sentenced him to a fat fine.”

In a way, I am glad that the Austrians have helped to flesh out further the debate regarding Islam and Islamism. As you know, LP works to protect the right to comment on radical Islam, terrorism and related issues without fear of legal retaliation. It is often hard to discuss such politically charged topics without knowing exactly what the rules of the debate are. At the very least, we need to determine how far we can go before violating them and/or if we are going to be violating them. So, it is probably a good thing that in the past two decades, in a piecemeal, case-by-case fashion, the elites of the European nations – and to a lesser extent, the US – have been steadily compiling and revealing the rules of discussion regarding Islam, radical Islam, and Islamist terrorism to educate ordinary folks like you and me. These rules apparently include the following:

* Thou shalt not accurately describe Sharia law. See Geert Wilders. See Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff.
* Thou shalt not criticize any Islamic doctrines. See Geert Wilders. See Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff.
* Thou shalt not report on and/or criticize the funding of terror by Islamists. See Rachel Ehrenfield.
* Thou shalt not disparage – or even depict – the Islamic Prophet Muhammed. See the Jyllands-Posten Danish Cartoons. See South Park.
* Thou shalt not criticize the appropriateness of building any mosque, anywhere. See the Ground Zero Mosque debate.
* Thou shalt not admit to any politically incorrect thought(s) about Muslims, even if you immediately disavow it (them) as “irrational” and denounce it (them) on air. See Juan Williams.

Violating any of these rules – in the US and in Europe – is, according to the elites, a clear sign of “Islamophobia.” Violating any of these rules – in Europe alone – is also a sign of criminality.

So, thanks to the Austrians, we now know that we should add “thou shalt not yodel along with the call of the muezzin” as another rule to be followed. And I, for one, am thankful for this addition. Who knew that “Islamophobic Yodeling” was a problem?

No matter where I look in the news (main stream) I see so much dhimmitude.

Robert Spencer defined it best in my opinion:
Dhimmitude is the status that Islamic law, the Sharia, mandates for non-Muslims, primarily Jews and Christians. Dhimmis, “protected” or “guilty” people, are free to practice their religion in a Sharia regime, but are made subject to a number of humiliating regulations designed to enforce the Qur’an’s command that they “feel themselves subdued” (Sura 9:29). This denial of equality of rights and dignity remains part of the Sharia, and, as such, are part of the legal superstructure that global jihadists are laboring through violence to restore everywhere in the Islamic world, and wish ultimately to impose on the entire human race.

Is that not a perfect description of what so many of our “betters” (in govt, local govt, lawmakers and on and on) are doing in relation to Islam. Muslims in all our western countries are demanding “rights” (and getting them) and tolerance and in return we the westerners are receiving nothing but contempt. Islam has learned very quickly how to use our own laws against us.

I see so many putting their heads in the sand where Islam is concerned. They have made their aim very clear – a World Caliphate. If we in the west continue to deny reality we will be overrun by Islam in their stealth jihad against us. They will outbreed us, they will change our laws, they will intimidate and when those things don’t work will use direct force (violent protests and terrorism) Make no mistake, we are already in a war with them. Islam knows it, but the west denies it and it will be the death of the west if we don’t wake up.

A Smiling Obama Returns to Bloody Jakarta

Here’s an excellent and accurate article by Daniel Greenfield at his Sultan Knish blog:

The media narrative is that Barack Hussein Obama is returning to the place where he grew up as part of a diplomatic tour. The truth is that Obama is visiting a genocidal country and paying homage to its regime, even while many of the atrocities continue.

While Obama found time to blast Israel for building housing in Jerusalem, he made no mention of the Indonesian genocide in East Timor. No word about the Indonesian mass murder of between 100,000 to 200,000 people in a country whose population totaled little more than half a million. Shortly after Obama left Jakarta, the Indonesian regime began an occupation that lasted until 1999. An occupation armed and aided by successive US administrations.

But there is a reason you won’t hear about the meat hooks where Indonesian backed militias hung their victims, before mutilating and killing them. You won’t hear about the fields of the dead where the corpses of men, women and children were piled into mass graves. You won’t hear of the machete squads who hacked people to death in full public view and on video. You certainly won’t hear about the ethnic cleansing, the mass deportations, the gang rapes or even the murder of Western reporters. And there’s a simple reason for all that.

Indonesia is a Muslim country. Their victims in East Timor were Christians.

To understand the significance of Obama’s biography– imagine that an American President who grew up in Nazi Germany on the eve of war, wrote only about his idyllic childhood running around the streets of Berlin and learning to read Mein Kampf, and then returned decades later, with no concession that a genocide had occurred here.

Not only does Obama insist on playing dumb when it comes to his adopted country’s genocidal recent history, but appointed Dennis Blair as Director of National Intelligence. Back in 1999, after 200 people had been massacred in a Catholic Church, Dennis Blair was sent to ask for an end to the killing, instead he invited the Indonesian general to Hawaii and offered him American military assistance. This did not stop Blair from being confirmed, even though he had become a collaborator in genocide. Blair then brought along Chas Freeman, who claimed that China had been restrained in carrying out the Tiananmen Square Massacre. And the likes of Joe Klein and Andrew Sullivan rose to defend Freeman against any criticism.

Blair and Freeman are gone now, but this is an administration that thought both men were worthy of high positions. A nightmarish idea by any measure. Membership in the Nazi party would have disqualified just about any nominee, but giving a thumbs up to genocide and massacres in Asia makes one an honorable man.

But East Timor isn’t the end of it. The same Indonesian military is still in business.

The Kopassus special forces, Indonesia’s answer to the German SS, are still out and about. In 1998, Kopassus thugs gang raped hundreds of Chinese women in Jakarta. Some were burnt alive. The victims were as young as 10 years old and some were thrown into burning buildings afterward. The attackers proclaimed to their victims, “You must be raped because you are Chinese and non-Muslim.”

And because of that, because the perpetrators were Muslim and the victims non-Muslim, the whole thing was quickly swept under the rug.

More at the link.

Wherever Islam gains a foothold, death destruction and atrocities follow.